
About SooqIraq

SooqIraq is an e-marketplace website based in Iraq. The website aims to establish a strong online presence and increase user engagement to drive sales and revenue. Its platform facilitates the buying and selling of various products across diverse categories, competing in a crowded digital marketplace landscape.

It faced challenges with indexing product pages and discrepancies in meta descriptions appearing on Google search results. The primary objective was to improve SEO rankings for all products and increase downloads for the SooqIraq iOS and Android apps.


SooqIraq is a prominent online marketplace platform serving customers in Iraq. However, the website encountered issues with the indexing of product pages, particularly older listings, leading to reduced visibility in search engine results. Additionally, there were discrepancies between the meta descriptions crafted for the website and those displayed on Google, impacting the platform's ability to attract organic traffic.

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Challenges Faced

    • Indexing Issues: Old product pages were not being indexed by search engines, affecting their visibility and accessibility to potential customers.
    • Meta Description Discrepancies: The meta descriptions displayed on Google search results differed from those crafted by the SEO team, potentially impacting click-through rates and user engagement.
    • App Downloads: Increasing downloads for the SooqIraq iOS and Android apps was crucial for expanding the platform's user base and enhancing its market presence.

The Solutions

  • Technical SEO Audit: Conducted a comprehensive audit of the website to identify technical issues hindering indexing, such as crawl errors, duplicate content, and improper URL structures.
  • On-Page Optimization: Implemented SEO best practices, including optimizing product titles, descriptions, and metadata to improve relevance and visibility in search results.
  • Content Strategy: Developed a content strategy focused on creating high-quality, engaging product descriptions and blog posts to enhance organic search traffic and user engagement.
  • Meta Description Optimization: Ensured alignment between meta descriptions crafted for the website and those displayed on Google by optimizing length, relevance, and keyword usage.
  • Mobile App Promotion: Implemented targeted marketing campaigns to promote the SooqIraq iOS and Android apps, including app store optimization (ASO) strategies to improve visibility and drive downloads.

Play Store Ads:

  • Leveraged Google Play Store Ads to increase app installations and drive user acquisition.
  • Conducted thorough audience research to identify demographics, interests, and behaviours to tailor ad creatives and targeting for maximum effectiveness.
  • Utilized A/B testing to optimize ad copy, visuals, and targeting parameters to improve click-through rates (CTR) and conversion rates.
  • Monitored campaign performance regularly and adjusted bidding strategies and ad placements to maximize return on ad spend (ROAS) and achieve campaign objectives.


  • Improved Indexing: Implemented technical fixes and optimizations resulting in a significant increase in the indexing of product pages, especially older listings, leading to improved visibility in search engine results.
  • Meta Description Consistency: Aligned meta descriptions displayed on Google with those crafted for the website, improving click-through rates and enhancing the platform's overall search presence.
  • Increased App Downloads: Implemented targeted marketing campaigns and ASO strategies, resulting in a notable increase in downloads for the SooqIraq iOS and Android apps, expanding the platform's user base and market reach.

Project Info


Business Type SooqIraq


Client Waleed Sami


Time for Launch 2 years and going on

And the Best Tools We Used for SooqIraq


Client's Words for the Development Team


I have been working with Dark Bears since 2014. The team is very reliable and responsive to my requests. 

Over the course of our collaboration, we have successfully delivered numerous projects. Dark Bears has consistently proven to be my go-to team for their unparalleled expertise in application development. 

I like their process, which involves my comments and feedback at every stage of the development. Their post-deployment support is very good.

I highly recommend the team at Dark Bears!


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1st Floor 213 A, Lions Lane West, Panchyawala, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India 302034

+91- 9649257257


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